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Altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free
Welcome to the world of board design in Altium's electronic design software. Inside every electronics product is a printed circuit board, or PCB. In the early days of printed circuit board design the demands on the PCB were simple, the board provided mechanical mounting for the components and connected the appropriate pins together - implementing the logical design defined on the schematic.
Today, the components have shrunken so much they are measured in fractions of a millimeter rather than centimeters, and track widths have shrunken from being 10 mil wide, well spaced lines, to thin, 2 or 3 mil hair-like lines tightly packed together. Rising signal speeds has also seen the PCB interconnects change from being simple copper conduits that carry electrical energy, to behaving as high-speed transmission lines, requiring design techniques to cater for this.
Lower device supply rails introduces tight demands on the allowable voltage drops, requiring careful design of the power distribution network. As well as these more demanding electrical requirements, the mechanical requirements have also become more complex. Compact, unusually shaped modern electronic products require compact, unusually shaped printed circuit boards which are often implemented as rigid-flex structures - these boards can have curved edges and cutouts, requiring carefully positioned components.
These tight design requirements demand close collaboration between the electronic design and mechanical design domains, demanding the easy passage of design data between them. Boards can be made in any shape , and designed as a rigid board, rigid-flex or pure flex. Multiple layer stackups can be defined in a rigid-flex design, and additional coverlays created. Components can be embedded on any internal signal layer.
The board can have up to 32 signal and 16 plane layers. If required, plane layers can be split any number of times, and split-within-split areas defined. Read about The Board. The designer can work with metric or imperial, cartesian or polar grids. Multiple snap grids can be overlaid and can also be restricted to just objects, or just components.
The board can range in size from the miniscule, right up to x inches, using design objects down to 0. Complimenting the snap grid system is a hotspot snap feature, overriding the snap grid and pulling the cursor to an object's hotspot when it is within the user-definable range. This feature makes it easy to work with off-grid objects, for example routing up to the pads of an imperial component on a metric board. There are also user-definable snap points and snap guides , as well as object axis alignment guides, all useful for the accurate positioning of objects.
As well as importing component models, the designer can also import the product case, and 3D clearance checking can be performed hover the cursor over the image. For a rigid-flex design, the board can be interactively folded as shown in the image above , ideal for performing clearance checking of the board in its installed state. Design requirements are applied via design rules , using an elegant - target these objects and apply those requirements - approach.
Rules are defined independently of the objects, and can be exported from one board design and imported into another. During editing or rule checking, the rules engine automatically identifies the highest priority rule that applies to each object.
A rule targets objects using a keyword-driven query language , which can range from broad identifiers, such as NetClass or All , right down to a tightly defined query that precisely targets a tricky, situation-specific, design requirement. The PCB Rules and Violation panel simplifies the process of understanding and interpreting which objects a rule applies to, and why it is failing.
Batch DRC produces a detailed report, which can be generated in a number of formats. Routing is no longer a simple, join the dots process. Fast device switching speeds mean that many boards have high-speed signals, requiring controlled impedance routing.
The PCB editor's routing width design rule can be width-driven or it can be impedance-driven, where the routing width changes as the routing moves from one layer to another. Interactive routing is fast and efficient, with walkaround, hug and push modes that let you get the job done quickly and efficiently. There is full support for differential pair routing , as well as single-sided and differential pair length tuning.
The topological autorouter produces routes like that of a skilled board designer. Being a topological router, it is not constrained to an orthogonal grid, instead being guided by preferred direction settings and connection paths. Read about High Speed Design.
A challenging aspect of designing with today's low voltage components is managing the board's DC power delivery system. With modern digital designs featuring high-speed circuitry, multiple devices, densely populated boards and multiple supply rails, the demands placed on a design's DC power distribution network PDN warrants a more analytical approach to its design.
Read about the PDN Analyzer. Ultimately, the objective of the board design process is to generate the output files needed to fabricate and assemble the board. OutputJobs allow all outputs to be configured and generated from a single location, and the OutputJob can easily be transferred from one project to the next.
Comprehensive and configurable BOM generation capabilities are available, including ActiveBOM , which gives visibility into the project costing from the get-go. Read about More About Outputs. Like all of Altium's design technologies, the PCB editor is designed to be quick to learn and easy to work in. If you're new to Altium's design software, you might like to start with the concept to completion tutorial - based around a simple nine component circuit, you'll start with a blank schematic sheet and end up with the PCB, along with the files needed to fabricate the board.
Using Altium Documentation. Now reading version The Demands of Electronic Product Design. The Board. Placing and Editing Objects. Specifying the Design Requirements - Design Rules. The Routing. PDN Analysis.
The 3D Advantage. Collaborative Board Design. Finalizing the Board Design. Printer-friendly version. Found an issue with this document?
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Altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free
Welcome to the world of electronic product development in Altium's world-class electronic design software. This tutorial will help you get started by taking you through the entire process of designing a simple PCB - from idea to outputs files. If you are new to Altium software then it is worth reading the Exploring Altium Designer page to learn more about the interface, information on how to use panels, and an overview of managing design documents.
To learn more about a command, dialog, object ;cb panel, press F1 when the cursor is over that item. The design you will be capturing frree then designing a printed circuit board PCB for is a simple astable multivibrator.
The circuit is shown below, it uses two general purpose NPN transistors configured as a self-running astable multivibrator. Circuit for the multivibrator. You're ready to begin capturing altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free the schematic. The first step is to create a PCB project.
Main desinger New Project. In Altium's software, a PCB project is the set of design documents files required to specify and manufacture a printed circuit board. The project file, for example Multivibrator. PrjPCBis an ASCII file that lists which documents are in the project, as well as other project-level settings, such as the required electrical rule checks, project preferences, and project outputs, such as print and CAM settings.
Create the new PCB project in the required location. Enabling the Add Project to Version Control option will result in the project's source files being stored in an available SVN repository click Managed Repositoriesand check out the working copies into x6 free suite graphics freecoreldraw folder specified in the Location field.
To learn more about version control support, refer to the Version Control and Design Repositories article. If the Managed Project option is enabled, the source files are stored stored in an available SVN repository and the project outputs are stored in an available Altium Vault. Add a schematic sheet to the project, ppcb and save the schematic, and save посетить страницу источник project.
Pcv the blank schematic sheet opens you will notice altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free the workspace changes. The main toolbar includes a range of new microsoft office professional free, new toolbars are visible, the /26350.txt altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free includes new items, and the Sheet altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free is displayed - you are now in the Schematic Editor. The floating panel s can be closed using the icon at the top right of the panel, when needed they can be reopened via the buttons down the bottom right of the application.
Main article: Document Options. Before you start drawing your circuit, is is worth setting up the appropriate document options, including the Sheet Size, and the Snap and Visible grids.
Document options are configured for each schematic sheet, set the sheet size as required. As well as the technique described in the collapsible section below, the Document Tutorjal dialog can be opened by double-clicking in the sheet border. Environment options, such as the cursor type, selection color and auto pan behavior are altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free in tutodial Preferences dialog File » System Preferences. Related article: More about Нажмите чтобы перейти and Libraries.
This section of the tutorial will explain the two как сообщается здесь approaches to working with components from libraries, or from the Vault. In the following section, you will locate and place the components you need, from the Vault. The real-world component that gets mounted on the board is represented as a schematic symbol during design capture, and as a PCB footprint for board design.
Altium Designer components can be:. Both of these panels can be accessed via the System menu, click the button down the bottom right of the application to display the menu. The menus provides quick access to the panels. Access components through either: the Libraries panel, or the Tutoriwl panel.
Dssigner article: Available Libraries. In Altium Designer, library-based components can be placed from Available Libraries.
The libraries that are available include:. Libraries are installed in the Installed tab of the Available Libraries dialog. To open the dialog, click the Libraries button at the top of the Libraries panel. If the panel is not currently visible, click System » Libraries to display it. Install the required libraries to make their components available for designs.
To help you find the component you need, Altium Designer includes powerful library searching capabilities. Although there are components that are suitable for the multivibrator design available in the pre-installed libraries, it is useful to know how to use the search feature to find tuttorial. The Libraries Search dialog is accessed by clicking the Search button on the Libraries panel.
The upper half of the dialog is used to define what you are searching for, the lower half is used to define where to search. Search for the component using the Libraries Search dialog. You can search across installed libraries Available librariesor libraries on the hard drive Libraries on path.
If you are working from libraries, the first step is to search for a suitable general-purpose NPN transistor, such as a 2N The tutorial components are going to be placed from the Vault, which is discussed shortly. Library searching is actually performed altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free queries. In the Libraries Search dialog, switch to the Advanced mode to examine the query.
Libraries that are already installed are listed in the drop down at the top of the panel, click to select altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free library and display the components stored in it. Select the Miscellaneous Devices library from the list, then use the component Filter in the panel to locate the required 2N component within the library as shown in the image below. Since the Miscellaneous Devices library is already ссылка на страницу, this component is ready to place.
Do not place it though, instead you will use a transistor from the Altium Content Vault. Tutoial the library for components with the string somewhere fre their name.
Main article: Data Management - Vaults. To access the components in the Content Vault, you must first connect to it. Once you have connected to the Altium Content Vault, you can place components from the Vault into your design.
Related article: Vaults panel. Once you have connected to the Altium Altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free Vault, you can explore or search for a component.
The panel includes a powerful search feature, enter the search string into the search field at the top-right of the panel, as shown in the image below. Click to examine a component посетить страницу источник interest. The Vaults panel includes a number of sections, which can be resized as required. Take some time to explore the features and behavior of the panel, right-click for context-specific commands. Use the Preview mode to examine the models and parameters included with the selected component.
Components are placed from the Libraries or Vaults panel onto the current schematic sheet. This can be done by:. Main article: Libraries Panel. Main article: Vaults Panel. The next step is to search the Content Adobe photoshop cc 2019 full tutorial free for the following componentsto use in the Multivibrator circuit. You can proceed to find and place the components. Note по ссылке the collapsible sections below include tips on editing during placement, which is more efficient.
Altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free you choose to leave the editing until after the components are placed, double-click on a component to edit it. All the components have been placed, ready for wiring. Set altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free Designator to Dree, and the Comment to be Visible. You have now placed all the components.
Note that the components shown in the image above are spaced so that there is plenty of room to wire to each component pin. This free image illustrator cc adobe 2018 trace important because you can not place a wire across the bottom of a pin to get to a pin beyond it.
If you do, both pins will connect to the wire. If you need to move a component, click-and-hold on the body of the component, then drag the mouse to reposition fre. Wiring is the process of creating connectivity between the various components of your circuit. To wire up your schematic, refer to the sketch of the circuit and the animation shown below. Use the Wiring tool to wire up your circuit, towards the end of the animation you can see how wires can be dragged.
Each set of component pins that you have connected to each other now form what is referred to as a net. For example, one net includes the base of Q1, one pin of R1 and one pin of C1. Each net is automatically assigned a system-generated name, which is based on one of the component pins in that net.
To make it easy to identify important nets in the design, you can add Net Pcg to assign names. For the multivibrator circuit, you will label the 12V and GND nets in the circuit, as shown below. The net label in free space left image and positioned over a wire right imagenote the red cross.
You have just completed your first schematic capture. Before you turn the schematic into a circuit board you need to configure the project options, and check the design desihner errors. The project options include the error checking parameters, a connectivity matrix, Class Generator, the Comparator setup, ECO generation, output paths and connectivity options, Multi-Channel naming formats, Default Print setups, Search Paths, and project-level Parameters.
These settings are used when you compile the project. Project outputs, such as assembly, fabrication outputs and reports can be set up from the File and Reports menus. These settings are also stored in the Project file so they are always available for this project. An alternate approach is to use an OutputJob file to configure the outputs, with the advantage altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free an OutputJob can altium designer 17 pcb tutorial free copied from приведу ссылку project to the next.
See More About Outputs to learn more configuring the outputs. After you complete the schematic in Приведенная ссылка Designer, you compile it.
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